Welcome to my new blog, everyone. I am honored to share my thoughts on Chinese medicine and life with you all. I intend the impossible, i.e. to communicate the subtleties of Chinese medicine as revealed in the classical texts such as the Nan Jing (Classic of Difficulties), Su Wen (Simple Questions), and Shang Han Lun (Treatise on Cold Damage). These Han and pre-Han dynasty texts provide the matrix on which pre-modern Chinese medical thought is based. Chinese medicine is based on an entirely different conception of time and space, rooted in a calendar that recognizes both solar and lunar cycles. The secret of successful Chinese medical treatment, in my opinion, is the synchronization of human biorhythms and circadian rhythms with cosmic and natural cycles revealed in season, day, year, ebb and flow of sun and moon, rising and falling of oceans, rivers, streams and glaciers, and countless other natural phenomena that were observed by Chinese thinkers and developed into the philosophical foundations of Chinese civilization.
This is the code on which Chinese medicine is built. We understand it as ying/resonance, yin and yang, five phases, twelve primary channels of acupuncture/moxabustion, five yin viscera and six bowels, and many other expressions. It takes time and practice to embody this ‘virtual world’, but it is essential if we are to understand and practice Chinese medicine.
Strength & blessing,
Z’ev Rosenberg
Z’ev, thank you for starting this blog and congratulations. It is always a pleasure to hear your thoughts. Very few practitioners I know are able to engage deeply with the metaphysical philosophy of CM while remaining grounded in the source texts and clinical knowledge the way you do. It is inspiring. I will be a regular visitor to your blog!!
Dear Z’ev,
I’m so excited about your new blog. It is, and will be a great asset to the whole Chinese medicine community. We all need to be inspired and educated to new levels so we can properly represent this wonderful profession..
Thank you for always being leader of the pack!!!!!! It’s a great brocha!!!!
Thank you for your encouraging feedback. .. lots more excitement to come. .
I guess I need a motorcycle (like the guy in the Shangrila’s “Leader of the Pack” back in the ’60’s). . .
By the way, you guys met briefly at The National concert in San Diego a few weeks back. .
Z’ev Rosenberg
“The secret of successful Chinese medical treatment, in my opinion, is the synchronization of human biorhythms and circadian rhythms with cosmic and natural cycles revealed in season, day, year, ebb and flow of sun and moon….”
What an absolutely beautiful and profound statement! Thank you!
You are very welcome. . .
Dear Zev, this image has nothing to do with TCM, since you showing one of the Thangkas of the 17th Century Blue Beryl designed by Desi Sanggye Gyatso, chief minister of the 5th Dalai Lama and famous Tibetan doctor. And the roots of Tibetan medicine are not in China, as the PRC likes to claim, but rather indigenous Tibetan, and also lots of Aryuveda and even ancient greek medicine, i.e the three humors.
How are you! I actually have enjoyed your website on Tibet for quite a long time, especially the materials on cordyceps. I am an admirer of Tibetan medicine as well, and and some point I will address that interest here as well, having fond memories of studying with Dr. Yeshe Dhonden, one of my biggest inspirations in practice. . .I met him back in 1983 and took my first seminar with him at that time. .