
New Year’s Projects in 2018

2018-01-01T19:29:21-08:00January 1st, 2018|

In Jewish tradition, we say two things: 1) If one knows aleph, one should teach aleph. 2) One teaches according to learn.  In this spirit, I am looking forward to 2018 and some exciting projects.  I especially enjoy teaching in order to interact and share back and forth with my fellow practitioners, and I learn [...]

“Return to the Source” complete, other updates….

2017-09-20T17:30:49-07:00August 27th, 2017|

I have a few announcements. My first book, "Return to the Source: Han Dynasty Medical Classics in Clinical Practice" is finished, and will be in the hands of the publisher this week (Singing Dragon), and the publication date is set for March 21, 2018. My editor, Daniel Schrier, D.O.M., has done an awesome job...we are [...]

Upcoming lecture in Williamsburg, New York, March 20, 2017

2017-02-07T12:52:05-08:00February 7th, 2017|

For Chinese medicine colleagues in the New York area, open to general public: I'll be giving a one-time lecture at ​​BAE ACUPUNCTURE, 190 N.10th Street Suite 204 Brooklyn, NY 11211. Monday, March 20, 630-830pm. $20 preregistration by Mar.1 $25 at the door. This class is open to the public, but also suited for ciinicians and [...]

2017 schedule

2017-09-20T17:27:13-07:00November 27th, 2016|

Dear friends, As 2016 draws to a close, 2017 brings in an active schedule of teaching and a book project! Here is what is in the works right now: 1) "Return to the Source: Han Dynasty Classics in Clinical Practice". In production, editing, writing new chapters. Due fall 2017 from Singing Dragon Press, London. 2) [...]

New class series autumn 2016: ‘living room lectures’

2016-07-28T14:19:07-07:00July 28th, 2016|

Z’ev Rosenberg, L Ac. and ALEMBIC INSTITUTE is pleased to announce a new AUTUMN 2016 CLASS SERIES in SAN DIEGO, CA.: DEEP STUDIES in CLASSICAL CHINESE MEDICINE: LING SHU, SU WEN and HERBAL CLASSICS Class I/Sunday, September 17th, 10 AM- 6 PM/Part I: Five Phase Herbal Formulation based on the Ling Shu and Su Wen: [...]

Chinese Medicine and the Internal Pharmacy

2017-09-20T16:35:19-07:00February 25th, 2016|

Chinese Medicine And The Internal Pharmacy   Many years ago, I observed a panel discussion held by pharmacists at the University of California San Diego, who concluded that the future of medicine lies in what they called ‘the internal pharmacy.’ In other words, the next frontier in medicine is techniques that use endogenous medicinal substances, [...]

Spring CEU class schedule released!

2017-09-20T16:35:19-07:00January 3rd, 2016|

Z’ev Rosenberg, L Ac. and ALEMBIC INSTITUTE is pleased to announce a new WINTER/SPRING 2016 CLASS SERIES in SAN DIEGO, CA.: The TREATMENT of AUTOIMMUNE DISORDERS with CLASSICAL CHINESE MEDICINE Class I/Sunday, February 28th, 10 AM- 6 PM Morning: 六經Liu jing/Six channel-stage progressions of exterior evils Afternoon: pulse patterns of six channel disorders and combination [...]

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