
大雪Da xue/Posting for big snow and big yin

2016-01-03T12:21:11-08:00January 3rd, 2016|

Right after the eight lights of Chanukah and the new moon comes 大雪Da xue, the time of great yin.  The days have reached their shortest length, the angle of the sun long, leaving shadows and reflected, soft light. The sky is crystal clear, long distances in view, a silence in the cold, crisp nights, low humidity. [...]

Retreat with Lonny Jarrett and Z’ev Rosenberg summer 2016

2017-09-20T16:35:19-07:00December 14th, 2015|

Deconstructing the Five Elements in the Classics and Clinic Z’ev Rosenberg & Lonny Jarrett Chinese Medicine Retreat August 24 – 28, 2016 Join Z’ev Rosenberg and Lonny Jarrett – two of the leading practitioners, teachers, and scholars of Chinese medicine – for this 5-day retreat. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to take part in an [...]

9/1/15 Reflections on 養生yang sheng/nourishing life

2017-09-20T16:35:19-07:00September 2nd, 2015|

Su Wen 13:帝曰:奈何。歧伯曰:閉戶塞牖,繫之病者,數問其情,以從其意,得神者昌,失神者亡。"Close the door and shut the windows, tie yourself to the patient, repeatedly inquire about his/her feelings, adapt your treatment to his/her sentiments. If one gets ahold of the spirit, the patient will prosper; if the spirit is lost, the patient perishes." After so many years of practice of Chinese medicine, I feel [...]

Autumn shift-Journal Entry 8/31/15

2015-09-02T17:29:15-07:00September 2nd, 2015|

8/31/15 This journal entry is being written a few days past full moon, and eight days past 處暑chu shu/limit of summerheat. It is eight days to 白露bai lu/white dew. The days are noticably shortening. After a bristling, humid heat wave, a cooler, more breezy weather pattern has dissipated the excessive sweating, fatigue, skin rashes and [...]

On Summer Epidemic Qi 7-12-15

2017-09-20T16:35:20-07:00July 12th, 2015|

Medical journal 7/12/15 on Summer Epidemic Qi by Z’ev Rosenberg, L. Ac. Update on summer epidemic qi pattern: A few weeks from my last report, this particular form of epidemic qi is still sticking around.  About ten days ago, a heat wave with high humidity flowed up from Mexico on southerly winds, firing up a [...]

New class series autumn/winter 2015-16!

2015-07-12T17:37:27-07:00July 1st, 2015|

Z’ev Rosenberg, L Ac. and ALEMBIC INSTITUTE is pleased to announce a new AUTUMN-WINTER 2015-16 CLASS SERIES in SAN DIEGO, CA.: DECONSTRUCTING CHINESE MEDICINE: SU WEN and LING SHU STUDIES in DIAGNOSIS and TREATMENT of COMPLEX DISORDERS” Class I / Sunday, Sept. 20th, 10 AM- 6 PM Morning: Su Wen 23: Wide Promulgation of Five [...]

A summer solstice message 6/21/15

2017-09-20T16:35:20-07:00June 21st, 2015|

BLOG ENTRY: SUMMER SOLSTICE 7-21-15 Summer solstice: ䷀乾Qian/'the creative' great yang is transforming to the beginnings of yin qi from below (䷫姤Gou/'coming to meet'). Yang has reached it's peak and as yin reappears from below, the strong, uplifting force of the qi of springtime loses its strength. Yang qi is full at the surface, but [...]

Updates on Classes

2015-05-28T12:41:23-07:00May 28th, 2015|

May 2015 Z’ev recently finished up a four part series at his office in San Diego, covering the core principles of the Nan Jing/Difficult Classic, from beginning to end, chapters 1 through 81.  It was a wonderful class, with all participants asking important questions about their practices, patients, and practicing classical Chinese medicine in the [...]

PCOM New York with Yaron Seidman (May 2015)

2017-09-20T16:35:20-07:00May 28th, 2015|

Z’ev Rosenberg, L. Ac. recently teamed up with Yaron Seidman to speak at Pacific College of Oriental Medicine on the New York campus on Monday, May 11th.  Over 120 practitioners and students showed up, a full house, with many questions and great interest.  Z’ev lectured on “Autoimmune Disease and Classical Chinese Medicine”, and Yaron spoke [...]

Chinese Medicine in America Today: The Turning Point, Part I

2017-09-20T16:35:20-07:00March 7th, 2015|

By Lonny S. Jarrett & Z’ev Rosenberg Introduction For Chinese medicine (CM) in America today it is the best of times and, it is the worst of times. On the one hand, CM is increasingly accepted, and practitioners are finding opportunities to work in more venues than ever before. On the other hand, the cost [...]

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